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Which uses less water?

23rd September 2022

Which uses less water?

With summer temperatures rising, our water use naturally increases. The average person uses around 150 litres a day, and we’d like everyone to try to save just five. It will make a real difference to our water reserves, but you may be surprised at the best way to do it. Try our quick quiz to see how water-savvy you are:

Bath or Shower? Kettle or new combi-tap?
Try: reducing your shower time to the length of your favourite track? A 3.5 minute shower will use just 27 litres. Try: filling the kettle with just as much as you need each time. This also saves energy on re-boiling the same water.
Dishwasher or handwash? Machine washing or handwashing?
Try: making sure the dishwasher is full before running it. Try: collecting full loads before turning the machine on. Could you do a handwash when you only have a few items?
Watering can or hosepipe?

Paddling pool or sprinkler?

Try: watering in the early morning and evening to reduce evaporation, and re-using cooking, bathing or paddling pool water. Try: putting less water into the pool - it’s the splash that’s the most fun. And don’t forget to use the water on the garden when you’ve finished with it.
Carwash or handwashing?  
Try: getting everyone involved, and have fun with buckets and sponges as you wash the family run-around.  

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Do you have a favourite water-saving tip? Let us know