Your water

We all cook with it, clean with it and most importantly drink it – water is a vital part of our everyday lives, and we’re passionate about providing the best quality drinking water to you. To meet the region’s demand, we supply 467mega litres of drinking water every day, operating and maintaining 29 water treatment works and 15,462 kilometres of pipe work.

Your water is treated and checked at every stage of its journey to ensure it’s clean, clear, safe and great tasting. Unfortunately, sometimes you might experience problems. This section of our website offers help and advice for your water quality.

Water quality postcode search

Enter your full postcode (e.g. EX2 7HR) to obtain the water quality in your supply zone.

Help and support

Struggling to pay

If you're struggling to pay your water bill, we've made it easier for you to get the right help

Struggling to pay

Priority Services

Priority Services are available to anyone living within our region.

Priority services

To keep the water flowing, we need your help

Find out what simple things you can do to make a big difference. Get FREE products to help you save water.

Every drop counts