Some of the hottest, driest weather

2022 saw some of the hottest, driest, weather on record as a consequence of climate change. A combination of a lack of rain – the 4th driest summer in 130 years, some record temperatures during the summer, high levels of soil moisture, and increased demand because of these reasons put pressure on our precious water supplies. Importantly, no-one across our region, or visiting our region, suffered a loss of supply because of this.

Since then a combination of the interventions we have delivered and the rainfall we have received have helped to preserve water resources and enhance storage capacity.

Last year’s dry weather showed the pressure unpredictable weather patterns can put on water resources across the whole of the UK. It remains essential that our customers in Cornwall and Devon continue to do all they can to save water in their daily activities, to help safeguard supplies during drier weather in the Summer months.

Read more: Water Restrictions

Ensuring we meet our region's water demands is our prime responsibility

Making sure all our customers have enough water depends on investment in capturing, storing and transporting this precious resource.

Reservoirs, connecting pipelines, boreholes and massive pumps are just some of the essential infrastructure we need to be able to provide sufficient water for all our customers.

We are committed to ensuring a safe and continuous public water supply for everyone.  We produce a Water Resources Management Plan every five years which demonstrates how we will manage water resources over the coming 25 years, taking into account many factors including increasing population, the needs of the environment and the effects of climate change.

Since 1996 we have invested in expanding our reservoir network, pumped storage schemes and the careful management of our water supplies.

Ultimately our goal is to secure supplies, with the exception of extreme circumstances, while ensuring our resources are efficiently managed and delivered.

Here are some of the things we do to maintain and increase our supply of available water resources

  • Reduced leakage by 40% since privitisation
  • Doubled capacity since 1976 and opened two Cornish reservoirs since 2007
  • Improved our ability to move water around the region by upgrading pumping stations, pipes and valves
  • Increased capacity of our water treatment works by upgrading treatment processes and technology
  • Use less water in our treatment processes - we recycle water for jobs onsite, like cleaning screens.