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Runner goes extra 13.1 miles to spread water-saving message

09th October 2019

A running tap will be highlighting the importance of using water wisely during the Great West Run on Sunday.

South West Water’s Richard Rowley will be encouraging people not to leave their taps running by running the challenging 13.1-mile course around Exeter dressed as a tap.

The 38-year-old from Totnes works in the company’s drinking water services team. A keen runner, he recently completed a 32-mile race in Snowdonia.

He said: “Two years ago I ran the Great West Run dressed as a toilet to raise money for WaterAid so this year I decided to do something different and dress as a tap to raise awareness of the importance of water conservation.

“Summers are predicted to get drier and winters wetter, with more intense heavy rainfall. Now more than ever, we need to do everything we can to help nature out. Every litre of water saved is a litre left in the environment.

“I probably won’t have the energy to tell spectators on the day, but simply turning off the tap when brushing your teeth can also save up to £46 a year, per person.”

Organisers of the Great West Run have pledged not to use plastic bottles during this year’s event. South West Water is providing 1,000-litre containers of water which will be stationed along the route. Runners will be given paper cups of water to drink as they pass.

Becky Moran from South West Water said: "We are really excited to be involved with such an iconic event as the Great West Run, as part of our support for the ReFill campaign to combat pollution from single-use plastic water bottles.

"As the region’s water provider, it seems only right that we would be involved in making sure these amazing runners are kept hydrated with top-quality tap water as they take part!"

Cups will be collected after the event by Packed Meal Prep, a local, sustainable business providing meals to workers in the Exeter area. These cups will be composted, meaning that there is even less waste produced from the event.

For further information please contact:

South West Water
