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Work starts on major sewer upgrade in Carbis Bay

27th December 2019

A major scheme to upgrade sections of sewer in Carbis Bay to improve the service to residents and businesses starts next month.

The project involves upgrading sections of sewer along St Ives Road and Longstone Hill by relining the existing pipe with four layers of recycled environmentally friendly felt totalling 15mm in thickness.

Preparatory work carried out in November and December 2019 provided more detailed surveys of the sewers than had previously been available and this in-depth look determined that some sections were not in a condition that required renewal or relining.

Using this new knowledge – and following feedback from residents – South West Water will now focus on relining only the most essential sections of sewer. This will reduce the period of disruption for residents and businesses, requiring shorter road closures than originally planned.

The first section of sewer will require a road closure on St Ives Road of approximately 350 metres from the junction of Count House Lane to Carbis Bay Holidays. This will begin on Monday 6 January 2020 and will be completed on Thursday 13 February. The remaining work will be carried out under two-way traffic lights from Monday 10 February until Friday 20 March 2020.

Victoria Hutchins, South West Water Senior Project Manager, said: “As this scheme, like all work carried out by South West Water, is funded by our customers, it is vital we prioritise the most essential work to ensure we are using the money available in the best way.

“Due to the location of the sewer and to maintain the health and safety of the public and our workers, one section of repair will require a road closure, however, diversions will be clearly signed and maintained 24/7 throughout the length of this work.

“While it is important we carry out these essential sewer upgrades, and we fully appreciate any inconvenience this may cause, we will continue to look to complete the work with as little disruption as possible.

“For example, we have arranged for a temporary shuttle bus service to operate throughout the duration of the road closure to ensure anyone looking to travel by bus is still able to do so. We have also been working with Highways England to ensure our road closure does not clash with work due to be carried out by Network Rail in the area during our scheme.

“I am also pleased to confirm that following discussions with Highways England, we will be removing our road closure on St Ives Road on Thursday 13 February and completing a phase of our works under two-way traffic lights in order to lessen any impact on residents and businesses in the area.”

For more information including timetables for a temporary shuttle bus services during the road closure visit www.southwestwater.co.uk/carbisbay

For further information please contact:

South West Water
