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Vandals damage important water infrastructure

23rd April 2020

South West Water is urging members of the public to help protect essential water supply infrastructure by reporting vandalism.

The water company has dealt with three instances of vandalism on its leats in six weeks.

Two sluice gates on the Devonport Leat, which feeds Dousland Water Treatment Works and Burrator Reservoir from watercourses on Dartmoor, were damaged in April.

Also, a leat which feeds Mary Tavy Hydroelectric Power Station was vandalised in March.

Iain Vosper, Operations Director – Drinking Water Services, said: “We are working hard at this time to maintain essential water services for our customers, but our job is being made more difficult by mindless acts of vandalism.

“We maintain around 28 miles of leat, which are scheduled ancient monuments and a unique part of Dartmoor’s history, but in most cases very remote.

“We would ask members of the public who see damaged water company infrastructure to report it to us on 0344 346 2020.”

Andrew Watson, Dartmoor National Park’s Head of Recreation, Access & Estates, said: “Leats are an integral feature of Dartmoor’s historic and special landscape and they are still important today, providing water for farms and livestock.  It is disappointing to hear reports of vandalism and we would ask the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity.”

For further information please contact:

South West Water
