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Work starts on sewer improvements in Exeter

23rd June 2020

South West Water has started work to improve a section of the sewerage network on Topsham Road in Exeter.

The work involves relocating a stormwater overflow and installing a screen which will provide enhanced protection, as required by the Environment Agency, to the Exe Estuary shellfish waters.

Preliminary work began yesterday (Monday 22 June) on the footpath between the junctions of Roberts Road and the grounds of Colleton Mews.

In order to undertake this work and to ensure the health and safety of the public and workers, the footpath on one side of the road has been closed until the work is completed on Friday 3 July 2020. The other footpath will remain open.

Between Saturday 27 June and Tuesday 30 June this section of road will also be closed so the improvements can be carried out. A diversion will be in place during this time.

Steve Cross, South West Water Senior Project Manager, said: “We have worked with Devon County Council and brought this work forward to undertake at a time when the number of road users who could be affected by the road closure is reduced due to the effects of Coronavirus.

“The road closure has also been co-ordinated with Bath Demolition so both companies can carry out work in the area at the same time to avoid the need for a second closure.

“As an essential service provider, looking after our customers and employees is our top priority and we will continue to follow Government and NHS advice surrounding Coronavirus to make sure safety is paramount.”

​Notes to editor:

The diversion for this section of road will be along Barrack Road, Heavitree Road, Western Way and Magdalen Street.

For further information please contact:

South West Water
