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Net Zero: Championing the transition to clean energy

16th November 2021

As mentioned in our last blog, climate change is becoming more and more important, as is the need for businesses to take action.

One of the ways in which businesses can do this is by transitioning to clean energy.

In the water industry, large amounts of energy are used to treat, pump, and distribute water across the country. In our case, the majority of our energy usage is used for water and wastewater treatment and pumping, and only a relatively small proportion of our energy used for supporting functions such as lighting and heating in offices.

About 45% of our energy usage is in the treatment and provision of drinking water, whilst about 55% is used for wastewater treatment and its safe return to the environment.

At South West Water, we have ambitious plans, and we are transforming the way we do business.

We are not only committed to achieve net zero carbon on operational emissions by 2030, but are pioneering and leading the way in natural carbon sequestration. We are uniquely placed in the South West to play a leading role in not only reducing, but also reversing our carbon emissions.


Our focus on renewable energy

A key component of our environmental work is a focus on renewable energy. In the South West, we’re fortunate to have some of the best natural resources in the country for generating clean and renewable energy.


For example:

  • Rain that falls on the moors can be used to generate hydroelectricity
  • Wind turbines can be used effectively as we are the second windiest region in the UK
  • Solar power can be easily generated as the South West is one of the sunniest areas of the UK
  • Energy can be recovered from sewage that arrives at our works using anaerobic digestion to produce a methane-rich biogas. We then use this gas in engines that produce both electricity and heat, helping to offset the amount of energy that we need to purchase from outside sources


We currently operate over 60 renewable energy installations. These are made up of a mixture of hydroelectric power, wind, solar, and biogas schemes.

But we know that we can’t stop there.

We plan to continue to invest in renewable energy and are committing to using 100% renewable electricity while maximising self-generation from renewables at our sites across the South West.


We’re planning to achieve this by:

  • Investing in new renewable energy schemes appropriate to our needs
  • Optimising our existing renewable energy plants
  • Collaborating with new or existing third-party projects that neighbour our treatment works
  • Working with third party energy suppliers in sourcing green electricity from the electricity grid


We’re always investing in energy efficiency, as ensuring our pumps and pumping equipment are kept in good condition and will make sure that they’re optimised for efficient use. Optimised equipment uses less energy than equipment that’s in poor condition.


COP26: the future of clean energy?

The COP26 summit focusses on the many different ways in which we can help tackle climate change. One of the biggest topics was our use of clean energy – and the need to increase this use.

Our proactive target to use 100% renewable energy is just one of the ways we’re responding to ongoing and future changes in our climate. COP26 will no doubt spark new ideas on how we can generate and use clean, renewable energy sources.

On top of our focus on renewable energy, we’re also working hard to reduce our own carbon footprint and protect against further climate change.  We’re committed to reducing – and reversing - greenhouse gas emissions and have set voluntary emissions reduction targets to help us meet our goals. We believe an approach to climate change that addresses both adaptation and mitigation is essential if the challenges of climate change are to be managed. 

Our efforts towards adapting to a changing climate, controlling our greenhouse gas emissions, and using renewable energy sources are part of our overall ethos to become a more sustainable business.

We know our plans are ambitious – transforming how we produce and use energy, and how we use natural resources across the region to store and therefore reverse emissions.

However, meeting these commitments is the right thing to do for our business, our customers, and the planet - protecting and enhancing our natural environment, for generations to come.

To find out more about our energy management and our renewable energy commitments, click here.

For further information please contact:

To find out more about the work we’re doing for the environment, click here.