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Net Zero Pioneers: Adapting internally to climate solutions

05th November 2021

With the start of COP26, the issue of climate change has never been more in focus. Countries only have only a limited time in which to act if are to stave off the worst effects of climate change. In fact, many climate experts have predicted that the next 18 months will be critical in dealing with the crisis, and that we will have to cut emissions of carbon dioxide by 45% to keep the rise in global temperatures below 1.5C this century. 

With this in mind, it’s clear that everyone from individuals to large businesses need to adapt their behaviours – and quickly.

How can businesses adapt their internal culture to help tackle climate change? 

Businesses not only need to adapt their external practices to be more eco-friendly (something that we will be exploring more of in future blogs), but they also have a responsibility to play a role in raising awareness amongst their employees and other stakeholders. 

By adapting internal cultures and actively promoting these changes, these small gestures gradually create the ground for best practices that individuals then reproduce in the office and at home – even inspiring others to do the same. 

Having a dedicated group of people to focus on climate solutions and help transition others to an adapted and more environmentally conscious way of working can help facilitate bigger projects around the climate emergency and make sure we as individuals are doing our part. 

Net Zero pioneers: championing internal culture change 

At South West Water, a dedicated group of employees have formed the Net Zero Pioneers, who are on a mission to support the wider business aim of becoming Net Zero by 2030 as well as promoting these aims to our colleagues. 

Our Pioneers will: 

  • Support the Net Zero team with the development and delivery of the Net Zero plan 
  • Promote and communicate our plans with colleagues across our organisation 
  • Be the champions of our cultural changes for good, such as how we as a team think about our relationship with the environment 
  • Participate in external events and communicate any learnings to colleagues 

The launch of our Net Zero Pioneers team is just the start of important colleague initiatives that will be developed to help deliver our climate ambitions. We have ambitious plans to be Net Zero by 2030 and this will need all of our colleagues to adapt their behaviours.  

To help further internally adapt to climate solutions, everyone will be encouraged to be actively involved in developing and delivering our plans through a number of initiatives. 

The future of the climate crisis: COP26 

In November 2021, world leaders will be gathering in Glasgow for COP26, which is the successor to the landmark Paris meeting of 2015. 

The outcome of the Paris summit was that global temperature increases needed to be limited to 2C above pre-industrial levels by the end of the century. The aim was to keep the rise to 1.5C if possible. 

Unfortunately, the world is expected to breach the 1.5C ceiling within 12 years or less and to hit 3C of warming by the end of the century. 

Therefore, the main goals of the COP26 summit are to: 

  • Secure global net zero by 2050 and keep 1.5 degrees within reach 
  • Adapt to protect communities and natural habitats by protecting and restoring ecosystems 
  • Mobilize finance to tackle the climate crisis 
  • Work together to accelerate action between governments, businesses, and civil society 

Reflecting on COP26 and the climate crisis 

Such a landmark event will allow us all to reflect on the current state of climate change and what we can do to take positive action. 

Our internal efforts at tackling climate change are only one small part of our wider sustainability work. We are committed to playing our role, both through the work we’ve already been doing and the work we’re planning to do. 

Our existing environmental work includes: 

  • Reducing our operational emissions by 100,000 tonnes by 2030 
  • Operating over 60 renewable energy installations across our region, with sites using solar, hydroelectric, wind and biogas. 
  • Commitment to 100% electric car and van fleet by 2030 
  • Improving water quality on 100,000 hectares of land 
  • Planting a quarter of a million trees by 2025
  • Creating up to 500 additional green jobs over the next four years and helping our existing workforce gain new green skills 

For further information please contact:

To find out more about the work we’re doing for the environment, click here.


Throughout COP26 and beyond, we will be publishing a series of blogs discussing the topics of COP26 and what we as a company can do about climate change, ranging from how we can protect our natural environment to the importance of clean energy and sustainable water distribution. 


Keep an eye on our blog for future updates.