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Net Zero Pioneers help us race to Net Zero

29th November 2021

By Alex Khan


Net Zero Pioneers were under starters orders at Exeter Racecourse for the second of 4 training sessions. The going was good so with 4 races on the card we were braced for a fast-paced afternoon.

1. Design (Classic):

Emissions classifications:

Scope 1 – are direct CO2 emissions
Scope 2 – are indirect CO2 emissions
Scope 3 – are emissions incurred by our suppliers 

This session focussed on ‘Scope 3’ of the Net Zero Routemap. We looked through an overview of Pennon Group suppliers and partners as well as the carbon footprints directly related to the products and services we consume.  We discussed how we can influence our suppliers to reduce their own CO2 – and how our suppliers can support our own initiatives.


2. Transport (Handicap hurdles):

We then galloped through an interactive session about the ‘Zero Carbon Vehicle Strategy’.  With approximately 1000 vehicles, we operate the 50th largest fleet in the country.  There is a wide range of vehicles necessary to cover the various tasks and cope with the varied geography of our region.  The challenges of switching to electric vehicles (EVs) include user, organisation, and technical challenges of the transition.  Look out for one of the 53 EVs included in the first ‘pilot’ fleet.


Strategic Fleet Priorities

  • Achieve carbon neutral fleet by 2030​
  • Implement required cultural change​
  • Ensure operational capability maintained​
  • Minimise any fleet cost resulting from EV introduction




  • Site power capacities & national grid capacities​
  • Space limitations for charging points​
  • Fast changing technology – predicting the future​
  • Cultural Change – how and where vehicles are kept
  • Charge times against vehicle requirements​
  • Ability of van drivers to charge at home (need for off road parking) – implications for direct home to site travel​
  • Some larger vehicles are not currently able to be powered by electricity




3. Supply Chain Engagement (Gold Cup):

We then trotted through our supply chain.  Our top 100 suppliers account for £280,000,000 (two hundred and eighty million pounds!) of contracts products and services.  With a pro-active engagement and new emphasis on the carbon budget, we can exert an extra-ordinary influence on our own CO2 with potential benefits for the wider region. 


4. Renewables (Triple Crown):

Fnally, we raced through the last furlong with a review of the ‘Renewable Energy Roadmap’.   It was great to see some of the detail behind the headlines for each of the various renewable energy projects being planned (see timeline below).


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