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New study shows changing attitudes to water usage in the South West

12th December 2022

As the South West starts to see a reverse in the effects of months of dry and hot weather, new research reveals that 79% of adults living in Devon and Cornwall intend to make long-term changes to reduce water usage.

The region remains in official drought status following one of the hottest and driest periods for 130 years but residents across the South West have revealed what steps they continue to take to conserve water, protect our precious environment and, for those on a water meter, save money off their bills.

Research conducted by South West Water shows that 69% of the region’s residents no longer fill their kettle all the way, while 68% now turn off the tap when brushing their teeth or shaving.

Over half of people (57%) are taking fewer baths and 57% of people have taken shorter showers this year in order to cut back and save water.

These small steps make a big difference as day-to-day activities around the house can use a lot of water.

For example, cutting shower time by just a minute across the South West would save over 16 million litres a day. That’s enough water to supply over 100,000 additional people each day.

Reservoir levels remain low

While reservoir levels across the South West are improving, the effects of this year’s drought conditions cannot be reversed overnight and reservoir levels remain low in the South West, and especially in Cornwall.

That is why customers, visitors and businesses are still being asked to reduce the amount of water they use to help recharge the region’s rivers and reservoirs to help secure supplies now and into next year.

Day-to-day activities around the house can use a lot of water from 50 litres a cycle on a washing machine and up to 9 litres every time you flush the loo, to using 14 litres for a dishwasher cycle or even 30 litres for handwashing dishes.

Simply turning off the tap when brushing your teeth, for example, can save approximately 9,000 litres a year. That's the equivalent of 37,000 cups. Or enough water to shower almost 100 times.

Working together

Laura Flowerdew, Chief Customer and Digital Office at South West Water, said: "We know our customers have worked harder than ever this year to reduce their water usage and we thank everyone who has helped 'Stop The Drop'.

"While recent rainfall across the South West has certainly helped to stabilise and start to recover our reservoirs, it will take a combined effort to get the region’s water resources back to where they need to be.

"We recognise that the population in our region will continue to grow, demand will increase, and climate change is having long-term impacts on the water cycle, so we are investing in long-term resilience and it’s great to see our customers are making long-term changes as well.

"Our teams are out fixing more leaks than ever before, including repairing customer leaks for free and speaking directly with customers to share water-saving advice and devices.

"So far this year we have given more than 75,000 free water-saving devices to customers ranging from water butts to flow-reducing shower heads."

Looking to the future

South West Water is also pursuing longer-term investments and projects. In March the company purchased Hawks Tor, a redundant china clay pit, which should be supplying customers very soon.

Together with investments in Park and Stannon Lakes, these new sources will provide up to 30% of Cornwall’s water requirement in the future.

This is alongside investment of £75 million in the region’s water grid to bring new reservoirs online and shore up drinking water supplies for the future, ensuring the company can move water where it's most needed.

For further information please contact:

South West Water offers a range of free, and subsidised, water-saving products which can be found on the website.