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South West Water doubles funding for community water-saving projects

05th December 2022

Following the hottest, driest weather in the South West for over 130 years, communities have been pulling together to find ingenious ways of collecting and saving water.

Many of them applied to South West Water’s Water-Saving Community Fund, now running for its second year, which helps support water-saving projects run by groups that also benefit their communities.

Every six months, a judging panel reviews applications for more than £1,000 from non-profit organisations. This year, the company received a huge amount of interest.

In fact, the scheme proved so popular that South West Water recently increased the amount of funding available so it could help more groups.

South West Water’s Catherine Landers explained: "Over the last six months, we received a very large number of applicants applying for more than £1,000 in funding.

"In November, the judges whittled them all down to the top 11 projects but still needed more money to fund them all. We had £25,000 remaining in the fund available for this six-month period.

"It was decided that the proposed projects were too impressive to decide between so we made the decision to double the funding to around £55,000 to cover all 11 projects. It's estimated that they will save just below 10 million litres, which is incredible.

"All of these deserving local projects were able to demonstrate very clearly the amount of water they would be saving.

"The majority were seeking funding for rainwater harvesting systems so it's fantastic that we can help them keep that water in the environment rather than watching it being wasted down the drain."

Helping projects big and small

Every year the population grows and the demand for tap water increases.

Many think it rains all the time but South West Water has been working hard to remind customers that tap water is a precious and limited resource.

Catherine said: "South West Water has always been passionate about conserving supplies for people and the environment today, and for future generations.

"We set up the Water-Saving Community Fund to help the new and innovative ways our customers find to conserve water.

“We're keen to help projects big and small across Devon and Cornwall. This year alone we’ve funded schools, like St Dennis Primary School who needed water butts for the school gardens; allotment groups like St Ives Allotments who built a compost toilet for their site; and community groups like OrganicARTS who installed rainwater harvesting systems and run workshops to educate people in saving water.

"Other projects we’ve funded include drought tolerant gardens, educational displays in schools, and harnessing new technology to change behaviour towards water use.

"All of these projects help us 'Stop The Drop' and protect our water resources."

Who can apply?

Organisations eligible for funding for over £1,000 include schools, colleges or academies; voluntary or community organisations; registered charities; constituted groups or clubs; not-for-profit companies or community interest companies.

Funding under £1,000 is available for local community groups such as sports clubs, allotment groups, scout groups, and garden clubs.

The money can be put towards equipment hire and purchase; building materials; skills and training; employee salaries for the time dedicated to working directly on the project; and professional fees, like builders, groundworkers or an interpretation design agency.

Applications can be submitted all year round with funding awarded to successful projects every month if under £1,000, and every six months if more than £1,000.

Ordinary steps, extraordinary difference

Water is an incredibly precious resource so it's absolutely crucial we all play our part in preserving it.

Ordinary steps make an extraordinary difference. Cutting shower times and turning off the tap when you brush your teeth are easy things to do that when combined can save millions of litres every year.

Rest assured, South West Water is doing everything it can too. The company is finding and fixing more leaks than ever before, as well as offering free customer leak repairs on external pipework and distributing more than 45,000 free water-saving devices to customers across the South West.

Catherine added: "The projects funded through the Water-Saving Community Fund help support the efforts we and our customers are already taking to protect the region’s water resources. We're incredibly proud of everyone pulling together and making a real difference to reduce the demand for water."

For further information please contact:

For further information about the Water-Saving Community Fund, email wscf@southwestwater.co.uk or see here.

South West Water offers its customers a range of free and subsidised water-saving products here . You can order buffaloo bags that save water with every flush, shower and tap inserts that aerate and reduce the amount of water used, shower timers and more.