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Councillors ceremonially launch £3million improvement scheme at Camels Head

24th September 2015

image depicting L-R Cllr Coker, Richard Gilpin and Cllr Evans

Local councillors marked the start of a £3million improvement scheme at Camels Head Sewage Treatment Works.

Work has started to replace the site's primary settlement tanks with new primary filtration technology. 

Councillor Tudor Evans and Councillor Mark Coker joined South West Water's Head of Wholesale Waste Recovery & Environmental Protection, Richard Gilpin, yesterday (23 September) to ceremonially decommission the first primary settlement tank ready for replacement.

Richard said: "Camels Head has a history of odour-related problems. Improvements have been made over the years but the site's primary settlement tanks remain the main source of the ongoing intermittent odour problems due to their age and outdated configuration.

"The tanks are part of the original treatment process and are now nearly 80 years old. They are challenging to operate and keep clean, as well as having a large surface area, all of which can contribute to odour issues.

"The project has presented some challenges because the existing site is surrounded on all sides and is fully developed within its boundaries, so there are no free areas available for further construction.

"We are confident that the new primary filtration technology will reduce the risk of odour from Camels Head."

Leader of Plymouth City Council Tudor Evans said: "There has been a long history of complaints about the smells at Camels Head and I'm really pleased that South West Water are starting these improvement works. I've been speaking to several residents myself about the issues around the smells and I know these works can't come soon enough for them. We have campaigned on this and I am delighted that South West Water have heeded our calls."

Councillor Mark Coker said: "We have long been in talks about the issue  of smells coming from the treatment work so I'm absolutely delighted that  South West Water have found a solution and work is getting under way."

The project is due for completion in Spring 2016.

Published: 24 September 2015

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South West Water 