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South West Water Chief Executive receives top industry honour

18th December 2014

image depicting Chris Loughlin

South West Water Chief Executive Chris Loughlin has been honoured with a prestigious utility industry award.

He was chosen as winner of the Industry Champion Award at this year's Utility Week Achievement Awards in London. 

The judges said: "Under his leadership, his company has been transformed, overcoming considerable obstacles and a difficult legacy to be recognised this year by the water regulator Ofwat as one of just two companies to achieve enhanced status."

Chris said: "This came as a complete surprise and I was pleased to accept the award on behalf of everyone at South West Water.  It is encouraging that our efforts are receiving national recognition.

"Following a gold star rating on our 2015-20 business plan from Ofwat, we're well placed to meet the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.  We'll be spending about £1billion on improving the region's water and wastewater services while pegging average household bills to 7% below inflation to the end of the decade.

"This follows a bill reduction last year and a price freeze this year.

"We're now looking forward to delivering our new five-year plan for our customers."

The South West Water team behind the company's 2015-20 business plan was shortlisted in the Team of the Year category.

For more information and to see a full list of finalists visit www.utilityweekawards.co.uk

Published: 18 December 2014

For further information please contact:

Press Office 
South West Water 