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Emergency work on Cowick Street, Exeter, finishes a week early

07th August 2017

Emergency sewer repair work in Cowick Street, Exeter, has finished a week early.

Temporary four-way traffic lights and temporary pedestrian crossings were due to be in use for two weeks from Monday 31 July to enable South West Water to carry out repairs to a damaged sewer.

This involved digging 1.5 metres down to the pipe and replacing a four-metre section.

The work finished a week ahead of schedule and the temporary traffic lights and temporary pedestrian crossings were removed on Saturday (5 August).

South West Water Project Manager James Howourth said: “I’m delighted that we’ve been able to complete this essential work earlier than planned.

“I have nothing but praise for our partners who got the job done as soon as possible.”

James added: “We’d like to thank those who use this route, as well as the traders along it, for their patience during the work.”

For further information please contact:

Press Office

South West Water
Published: 07 August 2017