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Enjoy the scenery safely

23rd June 2017

Reservoirs are beautiful – but can also be dangerous. South West Water and South West Lakes Trust are appealing for visitors to reservoirs and lakes in the region to keep themselves safe.

The warning comes after the death of a teenage boy who got into difficulties while swimming with friends at a reservoir in Greater Manchester.

A spokesperson from South West Water said: “We work closely with South West Lakes Trust to make our reservoirs accessible and pleasant for people to visit. However, we would remind visitors that these are operational sites with hidden dangers.

“Every summer, we remind people not to swim in our reservoirs because there are no lifeguarding facilities, they are very deep – often with steep sides – and can be extremely cold.

“Dams are tall, steep structures and in some cases access to the bottom in an emergency would be challenging.

“Each year we receive reports of abseiling and even tomb stoning at our reservoirs. These activities are also extremely dangerous and we would urge anyone who sees this sort of activity taking place to contact our 24-hour helpline on 0344 346 2020.”

For further information please contact:

Press Office 
South West Water 