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Improvements in the pipeline for Wadebridge

27th September 2017

South West Water is laying a new surface water sewer in Wadebridge to serve the Taylor Wimpey housing development at Bridge View.

The new 170m-long pipe will be laid across the Egloshayle playing fields and through the flood defence embankment. Surface water from the new development will flow through it into the River Camel.

Work to lay the new pipe starts on Monday 2 October and will take 17 weeks.

An area of the playing fields to the east of the children’s play area of the playing fields will be used as a site compound during the work.

The footpath on the flood defence embankment will be closed and a diversion route in place while work takes place on the embankment. Signs will be erected when the exact dates are known.   

South West Water’s Developer Manager Alison Tregale said: “We will do our best to minimise the impact that this essential work will have but we do appreciate it will cause some inconvenience to those who use the playing field during the winter.

“The work will involve deep excavations with heavy machinery and children should not play near the works area.

“We’d like to reassure local residents that the playing fields will be fully reinstated and returned to normal use by Wednesday 31 January 2018.”

For further information please contact:

South West Water
Published: 27 September 2017