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Business as usual during essential sewer work on Bonhay Road, Exeter

03rd May 2017

A section of Bonhay Road in Exeter (A377) is closed while South West Water moves a sewer to make way for new student accommodation. The road is closed between the entrance and exit of Exeter St David's railway station, affecting through traffic between Exe Bridges and the roundabouts outside the Great Western Hotel and the bottom of St David's Hill. Diversion routes are clearly signed. 

It is still possible to access Bonhay Road and residents are urged to continue to support local businesses during this time.

Derek Phillips, Vice President of Exeter Chamber of Commerce said: "The Chamber appreciates that this essential work has to be undertaken and we have urged South West Water to complete the task as soon as possible. Chamber understands that access to various businesses in this area will be maintained throughout the period. We would also encourage motorists to follow the diversions in place to avoid any overcrowding of the roads serving Exeter St David's station."

Ian Lake, South West Water's Development Manager, said: "We have met with some local business owners and listened to their concerns. As a result South West Water has increased the number of diversion signs to minimise disruption to businesses and to the travelling public."

The diversions will be in place until 26 May.

Updates can be found on Roadworks.org

Published: 3 May 2017

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For further information please contact:

Press Office 
South West Water 
www: www.southwestwater.co.uk/contactus