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Public consulted about proposed wind turbines

28th June 2017

Two public consultation exhibitions held recently in Stithians and St Newlyn East were well attended by local residents.  The events were arranged to give information about South West Water’s plans to erect single small wind turbines at their sites at Stithians Water Treatment Works and Newquay Sewage Treatment Works.

The wind turbines will help South West Water to reduce its operational costs and carbon emissions, and ensure that customer bills are kept as low as possible.

Local residents and businesses were invited to study the draft plans, ask questions and offer their suggestions to South West Water’s project team. Feedback from both events is now being analysed by the project team, and technical studies are continuing to inform the final design. Planning applications are expected to be submitted to Cornwall Council later in the summer.

Details of both schemes and advice on how to comment on them can be found at www.southwestwater.co.uk/wind.

The website will be kept up to date with project progress and information updates through the summer.

For further information please contact:

Press Office 
South West Water 