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Sewer network upgrade for Brixington and Withycombe Raleigh, Exmouth

15th August 2017

A £324,000 scheme to upgrade the sewer network in Brixington and Withycombe Raleigh starts this month.

South West Water will be refurbishing over 1,000 metres of sewer in the two areas between Tuesday 29 August and December 2017 to improve the service to residents.

The project is part of an ongoing programme to ensure the sewers in Exmouth are in good condition, reducing the risk of collapses and blockages leading to pollution and flooding.

Project manager Andy Young said: “This is a significant investment in Exmouth’s sewer network. We will be working hard to minimise disruption to the public and businesses while completing these improvements.”

Work starts in Bassett Gardens in August, followed by Albany Close, Haley Close, Brooklands Road and Holland Road in September. Road closures or temporary traffic lights will not be needed in these streets.

Sections of Partridge Road in Brixington will be closed to through traffic in phases between Monday 23 October and Monday 20 November. Access will be maintained for residents.

Temporary two-way traffic lights will be in use on Hillcrest Terrace, St John’s Road, Brixington, between Monday 20 November and Thursday 30 November.

Temporary three-way traffic lights will be in use on Moorfield Road, Withycombe Raleigh, from Monday 27 November to Monday 4 December.

All emergency services and other service providers have been informed, and residents of roads where work is taking place will receive a letter with more information before work starts.

In 2016/17 South West Water invested over £1million to improve the water and sewerage networks in other parts of Exmouth.

For further information please contact:

Press Office
South West Water
Published: 15 August 2017