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Wendron trunk main bust update: 5 Sept 2017

05th September 2017

We are pleased to confirm that the supplies have now been restored for the vast majority of customers in the Helston and Lizard area following the burst trunk main earlier on this morning.

The burst has been managed through re-valving and reversing flows in the network and articulated tankers have been sent to feed reservoirs. Meanwhile our teams are working to carry out the repairs on the main.

Now that supplies have returned, some customers may experience discoloured water which we advise to run the cold kitchen tap until it clears. We are also flushing the area to help clear the discolouration.

Click here for more information on discoloured water

As a precaution we have also delivered alternative water supplies to customers and are deploying water bowsers at various locations around Helston along with bottle water and a tanker at the Culdrose Community Centre, Hibernia Road, Helston, TR13 8DF

Regular updates and latest information can be found at www.southwestwater.co.uk/inyourarea.

Wendron supplies 9% of the population of Cornwall including Helston and the Lizard. It produces around 12 megalitres of water a day.

For further information please contact:

Press Office
South West Water
Published: 05 September 2017