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Combating plastic pollution

05th April 2018

Press release issued by Polzeath Marine Conservation group:

The popular Cornish resort, Polzeath, has taken a major step to stop plastic bottles being discarded on its beach by installing a drinking water refill point on its seafront - the first in the country to do so. There will be an official opening ceremony at 3pm on April 7 by actor Joe Absolom, who appears in the "Doc Martin" TV series.

It is all due to the hard work of Polzeath Marine Conservation and its group of volunteers, supported by South West Water.

With Polzeath Beach Care, the Polzeath Marine Conservation are regularly involved in beach cleans, having been dismayed by the amount of plastic on the beach and the damage it causes to the marine environment.

Tina Robinson, one of the group’s volunteers got the idea after a holiday in Australia. She said: "I loved the water fountains I saw on Australian beaches. Back home I was heartbroken to see endless plastic bottles causing damage to our environment, so I decided to do something about it."

Now the beach water fountain project has been made possible by the Polzeath Marine Conservation Group receiving a funding boost of £2,000 from Postcode Local Trust, a grant giving charity funded entirely by players of the People’s Postcode Lottery. South West Water provided the connection pipe for the drinks fountain.

Bob Taylor, South West Water’s Operations Director for drinking water services said: "As a founding member of the Refill initiative in the UK which started in Cornwall, we were delighted to respond positively to Tina’s request to provide a connection pipe. Plastic pollution is one of the scourges of our age. We are pleased to take this further step to help protect the marine environment, and at the same time help keep people healthy and hydrated when out and about."

The Polzeath Marine Conservation Group would also sincerely like to thank Sea-Changers, St. Minver Highlands and Lowlands Parish Council, Polzeath Area Resident Association and Luke & Dingle Ltd. Without everyone's  support the project would not have been possible.

The drinking water fountain has raised  interest with some neighbouring seaside resorts who will be considering ways to follow the idea in their own areas.

For further information please contact:

South West Water
Published: 5 April 2018