Access Prices

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As the water undertaker for the region that South West Water serves, we are required by legislation to publish and maintain an access code that conforms to Ofwat’s guidance.

Condition R Compliance Code

Condition R of our licence of appointment, requires South West Water to have in place a Compliance Code. Amongst other things, the Code covers the provision and confidentiality of information between South West Water and any Licensed Water Supplier, including those related to the business, to ensure that South West Water does not obtain a competitive advantage in the provision of water services.

The South West Water compliance code that we follow for all forms of competition access is available to download here.

Common carriage

A licensee might find a new source of water and wish to convey it to a customer. In this case they may apply to the undertaker for an agreement to access the existing undertaker’s network of pipes. Providing a number of criteria are met, including ensuring there is no undue risk to the safety of the drinking water, the undertaker must grant access at a charge which recovers any reasonable additional expenses incurred, but which does not involve subsidy by other customers.

Indicative access prices

The following indicative prices for access for common carriage have been calculated in accordance with guidance issued by Ofwat. The methodology used and the format of presentation is set out in that guidance.

These are indicative prices only. In response to any actual application for access we will calculate case specific prices as required by the Water Industry Act 1991. There could be differences, either positive or negative from the indicative figures given here.

The prices referred to were calculated as part of the Periodic Review process which was completed with Ofwat’s Final Determination of prices in December 2019. For future years, figures are of necessity estimates.

Access Code - September 2022

All enquiries regarding competition and access to our system should in the first instance be addressed to:

Matt Woolcock
Group Risk and Compliance Manager

Peninsula House
Rydon Lane
Exeter EX2 7HR

01392 443666

Or email us.