
Investing in our planet

celebrate Earth Day 2022


Learn more about Earth Day and what we’re doing to invest in our planet, plus get some tips on how you can cut down your own water usage.

Friday April 22 is Earth Day, an annual celebration of our planet and important reminder that we can all do our bit to help protect it for future generations.

This year marks the 52nd Earth Day and the theme is ‘Invest in our planet’. Organisers are encouraging governments, businesses and individuals to take action and make changes that will contribute to a prosperous and sustainable future.


How we’re investing in our planet

Water is one of Earth’s most precious resources, so we have a huge responsibility to help preserve and protect the water in our region. Here are some of the ways we’re investing in our planet:


Upstream Thinking

Upstream Thinking is an innovative conservation project aimed at preventing potential pollution from entering our surface waters – as well as reducing the ongoing level of treatment, and the chemicals and energy needed to ensure they meet drinking water standards. It’s been created in collaboration with regional conservation organisations including the Westcountry Rivers Trust, the county Wildlife Trusts for Devon and Cornwall and Exmoor National Park Authority.

Find out more about Upstream Thinking.




Tree planting

Trees have endless environmental benefits, from helping to combat climate change and improving water quality, to reducing flooding and enhancing biodiversity. That’s why we’ve committed to planting 250,000 by 2025.

Find out more about our tree planting programme.


Re-wetting the moors

'Healthy' bogs accumulate carbon and absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. We’ve been restoring the uplands of Exmoor by blocking the drainage ditches using sustainable methods, local materials and local contractors, to retain water and carbon. During periods of heavy rainfall, re-wetted peat bogs slow down the run-off of water, reducing the fluctuation of river flows, and making flooding less likely.

Learn more about our re-wetting programme.


How can you get involved in Earth Day?

All our individual actions can collectively make a big difference. We’ve got lots of guidance to help save water, inside and outside your home. See our top tips.

You can also order free water-saving devices from shower regulators to cistern bags that save water with every flush. Take a look at the products available.


In your community

If you’ve got an idea which could help save water in your community – anything from rainwater-flushing public loos to water butts for allotments – we want to hear about it. Our Water Saving Community Fund could help make your idea into a reality.

Learn more about the fund, how to apply and some of the projects we’ve funded so far.

The history of Earth Day


Earth Day was founded in the US in 1970 by Senator Gaylord Nelson after he witnessed the devastation caused by an oil spill in California. The first Earth Day was celebrated by 20 million Americans and led to the introduction of some ground-breaking environmental laws. By the 1990s it had gone global and today it is celebrated in more than 190 countries across the world.


Find Earth Day activities near you.