Investment in wind power

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In September 2017 South West Water submitted a planning application to Cornwall Council to develop a single small wind turbine to power Stithians Water Treatment Works, and has also been working on another scheme to erect a single small wind turbine at Newquay Sewage Treatment Works, where a planning application has not yet been made.

We have now regretfully decided to withdraw the planning application for the wind turbine to serve Stithians Water Treatment Works, and will not progress the scheme at Newquay Sewage Treatment Works any further at this time.  This decision is not taken lightly.  Government planning policy, which was previously supportive of development of onshore wind turbines to power high energy users, is no longer as positive as it was when we embarked on planning for these wind turbines.  We are also conscious that, although the planning application gathered considerable support from communities across the region, there were a number of concerns expressed about the scheme by people in the local area to the application site. 

We have listened to those concerns, reviewed our options and decided that now is not the time to develop the wind turbines at Stithians Water Treatment Works and Newquay Sewage Treatment Works.

South West Water is committed to using renewable energy in pursuit of our energy and sustainable development goals.  We are looking carefully at alternative options to meet our renewable energy targets, and exploring opportunities at other sites and with other renewable technologies. We would like to thank everyone who has offered their comments to the wind turbine projects.  You can be assured that your contribution has been valued and is informing our future energy strategy.

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Meanwhile, we are interested in your views on wind power. Simply fill out the form below (all fields must be completed).

Investment in wind power