Frequently asked questions

  1. How are my Trade Effluent bills calculated?
  2. How do South West Water decide which businesses are sampled?
  3. How will my business be charged for its Trade Effluent?
  4. Who do I speak to in an emergency (such as an incident which has the potential to be harmful to the environment or public health)?
  5. Who do I speak to about what I can put down my sewer outside of my current Trade Effluent Consent?
  6. Who do I speak to regarding South West Water's sample results?
  7. Who do I speak to if we're making some changes to our process(es) or strength(s) which may affect our Trade Effluent Consent?
  8. Who do I speak to if my business has changed and I don't believe that I will now need a Trade Effluent Consent?
  9. Who do I speak to if we will be temporarily or permanently shutting down our business?
  10. How can I demonstrate compliance with my Trade Effluent Consent to an Auditor?
  11. Where can I get a copy of my Trade Effluent Consent?
  12. Who do I speak to regarding my bill?
  13. What information do South West Water require if I've installed or replaced a private meter?
  14. Who do I need to notify if my private meter has been repaired?


How are my Trade Effluent bills calculated?

Trade Effluent charges will be based on a formula agreed by the water industry and the Confederation of British Industries (the Mogden formula). Monitoring and sampling costs will be included in the annual Trade Effluent charges calculated in line with the formula.

How do South West Water decide which businesses are sampled?

A risk based approach is adopted schedules are drawn up accordingly.

How will my business be charged for its Trade Effluent?

Charges are based on the volume and strength of the discharge and payable in addition to adjusted sewerage charges. Bills will be issued by the Retailer who will also deal with any billing enquiries.

Who do I speak to in an emergency (such as an incident which has the potential to be harmful to the environment or public health)?

Monday - Friday between the hours of 09:00 and 17:00, call the Trade Effluent Support Technician on 0344 248 1489 (see Useful Contacts).

Outside of these hours, call 0344 346 2020 (see Useful Contacts)

Who do I speak to about what I can put down my sewer outside of my current Trade Effluent Consent?

You can speak with either your Retailer or the Trade Effluent Support Technician (see Useful Contacts).

Who do I speak to regarding South West Water's sample results?

You can speak with either your Retailer or the Trade Effluent Support Technician (see Useful Contacts).

Who do I speak to if we're making some changes to our process(es) or strength(s) which may affect our Trade Effluent Consent?

You can speak with either your Retailer or the Trade Effluent Support Technician (see Useful Contacts). The Trade Effluent Support Technician will speak to the relevant Scientist who may then contact you directly to discuss. There is no charge for requesting a variation to your consent. However, should you wish to request this more than once within a two year period, we reserve the right to charge your Retailer for each additional request.

Who do I speak to if my business has changed and I don't believe that I will now need a Trade Effluent Consent?

You can either speak with your Retailer or the Trade Effluent Support Technician (see Useful Contacts). The Trade Effluent Support Technician will speak to the relevant Scientist who may then contact you directly to discuss.

Who do I speak to if we will be temporarily or permanently shutting down our business?

You can speak with either your Retailer or the Trade Effluent Support Technician (see Useful Contacts). The Trade Effluent Support Technician will speak to the relevant Scientist who may then contact you directly to discuss.

How can I demonstrate compliance with my Trade Effluent Consent to an Auditor?

A standard statement and/or sample reports can be requested either from your Retailer or via the Trade Effluent Support Technician (see Useful Contacts).

Where can I get a copy of my Trade Effluent Consent?

This can be requested either from your Retailer or found doing a search of published Trade effluent consent.

Who do I speak to regarding my bill?

You should contact your Retailer. Bills will be issued by your Retailer who will also deal with any billing queries.

What information do South West Water require if I've installed or replaced a private meter?

We need to have the details of your private meter within 5 business days of the meter installation or replacement. You can either speak with your Retailer or visit Update Private Meter to complete the form, and a member of the team will follow up to obtain additional information such as photographs of the meter and a certified calibration certificate.

Who do I need to notify if my private meter has been repaired?

We need to have the details of your private meter within 5 business days of the meter installation or replacement. You can either speak with your Retailer or visit Update Private Meter to complete the form, and a member of the team will follow up to obtain additional information such as photographs of the meter and a certified calibration certificate.