Obstructed sampling visits

Where South West Water undertakes a sampling visit to a non-household customer and is denied access, for whatever reason, this will be logged as an obstructed sampling visit.

This includes, but is not limited to, circumstances where the sampler is kept waiting for more than 20 minutes, a vehicle is parked over the meter, a padlock or any kind of obstacle (time or physical object) prevents the sample from being taken. We reserve the right to disregard any data we believe is not truly representative of the effluent discharged from the premises and to apply an obstructed visit charge if we have reason to believe the effluent or sampling equipment has been interfered with.

Where there are two consecutive obstructed sampling visits to a customer, South West water may notify the Retailer, providing evidence of the obstructed sampling visits.

Following this notification and a third and any subsequent obstructed sampling visits, South West Water reserves the right to charge for any obstructed visits. Please speak with your Retailer for further details.