Blog 2022 (Saving water)

4 ways to reuse water

Top tips to help save water in your garden

Our leak detector, Matt, reveals the reality of his work

The South West presents a uniquely challenging environment for our water pipes and the people who look after them. More than 11,000 miles of pipework travels up and down hills, through flood plains, cities, isolated hamlets, moorland and farms, bringing freshly treated water to your taps. The landscape, its geology and its...

Meet our water-saving champion, Nick!

Back in 2020, our Stakeholder Engagement Manager, Nick, got a very big shock. Learning that the average person in the South West uses 150 litres of water every day, Nick was more than confident that his household of two would be using a lot less. “We thought we were a pretty average household, and pretty careful with our water...

“It’s not what you’ve got, it’s how you use it”

Our job is to make sure that everyone in the South West has water, 24/7, 365 days a year whilst keeping the environment healthy. To do this, we not only need to know how much water we have available, but also where it’s likely to be needed, now and in the future.

We tackle some of the water-saving myths floating about.

Every year we ask our customers to save 5 litres of water, and every year you all surprise us with your ingenious ways to save water. We’re incredibly proud of those of you who take up the challenge again and again. But there are also many misconceptions about why we ask you all to save water. “We live on an island, a very rainy...

Welcome to 2022’s Water Saving Week!

Welcome to 2022’s Water Saving Week! Water Saving Week is an annual event to raise awareness of the issues and challenges around water and its use. It’s the brainchild of Waterwise UK. Waterwise UK is an independent organisation which shares ideas, promotes efficient products and services, and champions initiatives which will help...

Can a river have a voice?

Saving water is an increasingly important thing for us all to do. For those living alongside bodies of water, the river, lake, or sea becomes an integral part of their lives. And the effects of climate change and the increasing demand on supply is becoming dramatically evident to them. Isabel and Sally, from The Bioregional Learning...

Mary Tavy allotment holders get their hands dirty to save water and their plants!

Cabbages, courgettes, carrots and artichokes. Raspberries, apples, blackberries and strawberries. Bursting with flavour and fresh off the land. The plot holders at Mary Tavy Victory Memorial Ground  Allotments enjoyed bumper crops last year and were looking forward to more in the future. But their achievements didn’t come without...

Good things come in trees!

A tank, a pump and a pipe make all the difference at Meeth Quarry Nature Reserve. What do you think of when someone mentions tree planting? Perhaps you think of commemorating someone by planting a tree in their honour. Maybe your mind instantly turns to deforestation, heartbroken orangutans trying to stop bulldozers from destroying...

Gutter load of this: Exeter Girlguiding do us proud!

Girl Guides have been around since 1909, and since then have branched out into Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers. Empowering girls with their philosophy of “We Discover, We Grow”, they’ve seen some remarkable achievements from girls of all ages. They’ve changed many lives by championing the voices of girls, encouraging...

Permaculture Scholar, Jo, Tells Us What the Course Has Meant to Her

As part of our funding for Permaculture Kernow’s projects, we paid for the scholarship of two people to take a 10-day Permaculture Design Course. The course covers the unique gardening techniques that the Permaculture movement has cultivated through the years. It’s taught by Joshua Gomez who is also a co-founder of Permaculture...