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Eco-beachcombing and other environmentally-friendly beach activities to try this summer

12th August 2022

Eco-beachcombing and other environmentally-friendly beach activities to try this summer

Our beaches in the South West are some of the most beautiful in the country – maybe even the world. We want to keep them that way, but pollution and litter can really damage the landscape and all the creatures which live in and around the sea. Here are a few fun things you can do on your trips to the beach that won’t damage our stunning coastline, and can even help protect it…

Close your eyes. Take turns naming all the sounds you can hear.

Count different birds. Draw them. What are their names?

Eco-beachcombing. Have a really good look for pretty and interesting things, like driftwood, seaglass, and shells. Lay them out and make an exhibition. Draw a catalogue and make tickets for people to view your treasures.

Pool dipping. Fill a tray with water. Use a cup or spoon to fish out wildlife from the rock pools and observe them closely before putting them back. How many legs can
you count? What swims the fastest? Who’s found the biggest? The smallest?

Beach bingo. Before you leave home, download or make a list of all the things you might find on a beach. Then when you get there, see how many you can find. Shout
“EcoBingo” when you’ve found them all!

Crab racing. If you’re lucky enough to find a live crab or two, place them gently on the
sand and watch them race back to the water. Fastest wins!

‘Plogging’. Like jogging, but with a big litter bag. The person with the most litter at the end wins an ice cream.

Speedy litterpick. Who can pick up the most in ten minutes?

How many creatures can you find? Crabs, jellyfish, starfish, barnacles, shrimps,
maybe even a turtle. Top tip: low tide is the best time for this one.

Measure tidal outflow. Mark where the waves meet the beach, and then come back later. How far has it gone? How far away will it be in another hour?

Make a beach picture. Draw in the sand, dig, rake, and add anything you can find to your picture. Make it as big and elaborate as you can. Don’t forget to snap a photo before the tide washes it away.

Kid-friendly beach yoga. Download some awesome moves, find a big bit of beach and work on your inner chakra.

Build a sandcastle. It’s an old favourite, but it’s a winner.

Last but not least, if you find anything on the beach that doesn’t belong there, from
litter you’ve found to anything you’ve brought with you – take it home and dispose of
it there. That way the wildlife stays safe, and the beach will be just as beautiful every
time you visit.

For further information please contact:


Do you have an eco-friendly beach activity we can try? Let us know on Facebook.

Do you have an eco-friendly beach activity we can try? Let us know on Facebook.

Do you have an eco-friendly beach activity we can try? Let us know on Facebook.