2019/20 Wholesale charges

From 1 September 2016 (following the amendment to the Water Industry Act 1991), Ofwat has a duty to set rules that wholesalers must follow when setting their charges for wholesale services. These wholesale charges documents are published in compliance with these rules. The documents include information about Special Agreements and the wholesale service standards that we must meet for non-household customers.

Board Statement of Assurance and Statement of Significant Change

The South West Water Board of Directors publishes this Board Assurance Statement confirming that South West Water's wholesale charges and charges schemes are compliant with its legal obligations and consistent with Ofwat's Wholesale Charging and Charges Scheme Rules.

Statement of Significant Change

2019/20 Wholesale charges information

2019/20 Indicative Wholesale Charges

NAV tariffs

The New Appointments and Variations (NAV) regime was introduced under the Water Industry Act 1991 (WIA91) to provide a mechanism to facilitate new entry into the water and wastewater sector and to allow appointed undertakers (incumbents) to expand outside of their geographical area of appointment.

The charges laid out in this document are provided to assist NAVs to estimate their bulk water and/or wastewater charges for a site.

South West Water bulk charges for NAVs 2019/20