2021 News (Blogs)

Net Zero Pioneers help us race to Net Zero

By Alex Khan   Net Zero Pioneers were under starters orders at Exeter Racecourse for the second of 4 training sessions. The going was good so with 4 races on the card we were braced for a fast-paced afternoon.


Net Zero Pioneers kick off thought-provoking seminar

It was scrum-down for the Net Zero Pioneers for a line-out alongside the new graduates at Exeter Chiefs Sandy Park Stadium.  With a grandstand view of the pitch and the low autumn sun glinting off the Exe Estuary, the Baxter Suite was a wonderful setting for a thought-provoking seminar. South West Water’s Net Zero Pioneers are a...


Net Zero Pioneers: Adapting internally to climate solutions

With the start of COP26, the issue of climate change has never been more in focus. Countries only have only a limited time in which to act if are to stave off the worst effects of climate change. In fact, many climate experts have predicted that the next 18 months will be critical in dealing with the crisis, and that we will have...


Why we’re proud to receive the Fair Tax Mark

Written by Marie Pearse, Head of Tax at Pennon.  Transparency and societal contribution are key to operating as a responsible business. As a top FTSE 250 UK-focussed company, we take this responsibility seriously and a big part of this is ensuring we pay the right amount of tax, in the right way, at the right time.
