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South West Water is looking to fund new water-saving projects

21st January 2021

From drought tolerant gardens and water butts in community allotments to educational displays in schools, South West Water is looking to support local projects with its new £75,000-a-year Water-Saving Community Fund.

A first of its kind for the water company, the Fund is designed to support community groups and registered non-profit organisations within South West Water’s service area who can provide a benefit to the community by saving tap water and demonstrating a reduction in water use.
Head of Water Resources and Planning, Rob Scarrott, said: “We all cook with it, wash with it and most importantly drink it – tap water is a vital part of our everyday lives but every year the population grows and demand for tap water increases.
“In the summer this demand rockets and at peak times in 2020 we were producing an extra 50 million litres a day – that’s the equivalent of two cities the size of Exeter being added to the network.
“We’re always looking at new and innovative ways to get our customers and communities involved in water conservation, which is why we are thrilled to set up the Water-Saving Community Fund to support projects – big and small.
“Many people think it rains all the time and don’t realise that tap water is a precious and limited resource. We’re passionate about conserving supplies for people and the environment today and in future but we can’t do it alone. We need everyone to play their part to help save tap water and avoid waste.”
Community groups can apply for up to £1,000 in funding while registered non-profit organisations can apply for funding up to £30,000, with applications being reviewed by a dedicated judging panel of independent water industry experts.
For more information on the fund and how to apply, visit www.southwestwater.co.uk/watersavingfund

For further information please contact:

South West Water
