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South West Water welcomes new graduates as part of ambitious target to invest in new talent

10th September 2021

One of the largest companies in the South West is boosting the region’s economy and investing in new talent, by welcoming its first intake of graduates as part of ambitious new targets.

South West Water’s new Graduate Management Programme will invest in 100 graduates by 2025, and this week welcomed its first intake of 26 graduates, providing full-time, permanent opportunities in a variety of roles, all based in the South West.

These graduates have exciting placements planned in all areas of South West Water and will all take on field-based roles across all areas of Devon and Cornwall.

The first group on this exciting new programme includes local graduates and those from other Universities across the UK, who selected the South West Water placement due to the opportunities it offers.

The graduate programme now complements the comprehensive talent programme that South West Water is committed to in the region, to support education and the economy and help it to recover post the pandemic.

The company was one of the first anywhere to take part in the Government’s Kickstart scheme, providing 50 six-month paid work placements to young people at risk of long-term unemployment, and has set an ambitious target of hiring 500 apprenticeships over the next five years with over 125 apprentices already working across the business.

In addition, earlier this year South West Water published its Green Recovery Initiative with a plan to create up to 500 new jobs to support the local economy and to develop new green skills.

Susan Davy, Chief Executive Officer of South West Water’s parent company, Pennon Group, said: “ At the heart of any great business are the people who work in it and we are thrilled to welcome the first 26 graduates into the South West Water family as part of our new Graduate Management Programme.”

Bethany Lock, one of South West Water’s new graduates, said: “This role was really interesting as I’m from the South West so the region is a very special place for me. I’m very passionate about the environment so I knew this role was perfect for me and I can’t wait to experience different areas of the business and develop both personally and professionally.”

For further information please contact:

South West Water
