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Work to protect excellent bathing waters in Dawlish is complete

25th May 2022

South West Water has completed work on a scheme to upgrade sections of the sewerage network in Dawlish as part of an ongoing commitment to protect bathing water and the environment while reducing pollution.

The work, which began in June 2021, involved installing a new surface water system within the highways of Longlands, Stockton Road, Old Town Street, Penfield Gardens and Brook Street.

The new system will remove surface water from the existing sewer network to alleviate floods and spills during periods of wet weather and increase the resilience of the sewer network in the Dawlish area.

The work also involved installing a stormwater storage tank to further relieve pressure on the system during prolonged periods of wet weather. 


South West Water’s Project Manager, Victoria Hutchins, said: “The bathing waters in Dawlish Warren are currently classed as excellent – the highest standard of rating possible – and this essential work will play its part in keeping it that way.

“The new surface water sewer will transport rainwater that falls onto roofs, roads and driveways safely back to the environment without it entering our wastewater network.

“As well as this, a new storm storage tank below the car parking area of Manor House will help relieve pressure on the combined sewers in the area during prolonged periods of wet weather.”

Due to the location of the sewer, and to keep its teams and the public safe, South West Water required a series of road closures with diversions clearly signed and maintained 24/7 throughout. The work is finished, the closures have been removed and all reinstatement work has been completed.”

Mark Payne, Grounds Maintenance Officer at Teignbridge District Council, said: “The reinstatement was undertaken to a very high standard with good quality materials used, the site shows little evidence of the extensive work that was undertaken. An excellent job and all credit to the contractors who undertook the works.

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