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Improvements in the pipeline for Torquay

25th January 2016

image depicting Torre Abbey, Torbay

An £800,000 scheme to improve Torquay's sewer network starts in the Sherwell Valley Road area on Monday 8 February 2016.

The South West Water scheme includes laying new sewers, replacing other sewers with larger pipes and replacing manholes in order to separate the foul and surface water systems.

These improvements are designed to prevent foul sewage from entering the surface water network.

As part of the works, South West Water will be extending the existing underground storm storage tank in Rocket Park, off Mallock Road.

This increased capacity, and associated improvements, will reduce storm discharges from the network during extremely wet weather. In turn, this will further improve bathing water quality in Torbay.

Two-way traffic lights will be in use where necessary. Mallock Road will be closed to traffic between No.77 Mallock Road and the junction of Sherwell Valley Road from Monday 9 May for three weeks.

The working area in Rocket Park will be securely fenced off and the park will be reinstated on completion. Please note that the work will involve deep excavations with heavy machinery and children should not play near the works area.

The scheme will be delivered in stages and will take around 16 weeks to complete.

Project manager Andy Young said: "This is a significant investment in the sewer network and bathing water quality in Torquay. 

"We will be working hard to minimise disruption to the public and businesses as far as possible while completing these essential improvements."

Published: 25 January 2016

For further information please contact:

Press Office
South West Water