Our suppliers

We work directly with our chosen suppliers to deliver our vision of supplying PureWater, PureService and PureEnvironment.

Every year we invest £200 million on services and supplies to deliver this vision. Working closely with suppliers we aim to reduce cost and improve service levels.

Our Procurement team works closely across the company to understand purchasing requirements for goods and services and plan how to effectively deliver. We are committed to sustainability which ensures a sustainable company, supply chain and region.

Information for suppliers

  • All main areas of recurrent expenditure are covered by framework agreements which are subject to a formal tender
  • We carry out rigorous supplier qualification procedures to ensure selection of the best suppliers in each category
  • Formal market reviews are carried out using our ISO9001 procedures to achieve a fair and objective process
  • Our procedures ensure compliance with EU Procurement regulations and other regulatory requirements
  • Purchases are subject to our standard Terms and Conditions although formal contract conditions may also be used where appropriate 
  • Our Terms and Conditions
  • Our Code of Conduct for Suppliers
  • Our Whistleblowing Policy
  • Cyber Essentials