We are committed to preventing sewer flooding and want to work with communities to do this in a sustainable way.

Historic sewer flooding in Aveton Gifford is largely caused by too much surface water entering the combined sewerage network.

Our Flood Risk Manager Richard Behan explained: "If we can divert even a proportion of stormwater away from the combined system it would relieve pressure on the sewer and, we believe, significantly reduce the risk of sewer flooding in the village and contribute to better water quality in the River Avon."

Richard added: "Rainwater is a clean, usable source of water which at the moment is literally disappearing down the drain. With a small amount of imaginative landscaping and planting, that water can be used to enhance the environment both in gardens and in public areas."

The project has two major phases:

  • water re-use and sewer separation at Aveton Gifford School and the Memorial Hall car park
  • 100% grants for householders to disconnect their roof from draining to the combined sewer.

Every property which diverts its rain water away from the sewer will help alleviate the sewer flooding currently experienced in the village.

How we can help




Saving water
