The city of Truro is in a bowl, with surface water draining into the centre from steep hills just above the town.

Redannick Ward is at the top of a steep hill on the edge of the city centre and at the moment the surface water from its roofs, roads and hardstandings rushes down into the combined sewers in the town.

We want to prevent a lot of that surface water from getting down the hill, by capturing it close to where it falls, storing it temporarily, and allowing it to drain naturally and harmlessly into the ground.

We have conducted permeability tests on the ground in Redannick Park which have shown that the ground drains well in most places, and this would be a good site for a green drainage feature.

Redannick park with a swale artist's impression

As part of the project we would seek to enhance this popular park with new play equipment and improved amenity for the many local children for whom it is a well-loved open space.

Our proposal is to:

• Build a new surface water sewer to direct surface water into a new green drainage feature such as a swale like in the picture above.

• Construct a swale in Redannick Park and carry out other improvements to the park as directed by the community working party 

• Divert some roof water into a soakaway, a raingarden, or a rainwater harvesting system instead of the sewer. Selected homeowners have been contacted offering them this option.

How we can help




Saving water
