How do I read my meter?
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How do I read my meter?

Your meter will look similar to the meters in the pictures below;


How to read your meter

  1. If you have an outside meter, lift the chamber lid using a screwdriver or similar tool.
  2. You may need to use a tool to scoop out any soil or rain water that has built up inside the chamber.
  3. Make sure that the unique serial number on the meter matches with your bill. For a meter with a lift up lid, the serial number will be under this.
  4. On the meter face, read the black or white numbers (we don’t need the numbers on the red dials)

The black or white numbers on the dial represent cubic metres and the red dials represent litres.

If you are unable to read your meter due to it being in a difficult position or location, please contact us so that we can help you.

If you notice that the numbers on the red dials are moving when you’re not using any water, there may be a leak on your supply pipe.

If you have received an estimated bill, you can give us your own meter reading within 30 days of this estimate online at My Account or by completing our form. You can also call our automated meter reading line on 0800 083 4247.


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