Leaving the South West 

We know moving can be a stressful time so we will do our best to get everything sorted for you as quickly as we can, it will take around 3 minutes to complete the form to close your account with us.  

Please note: If you were on the WaterSure or WaterCare Tariff please speak to your new supplier to see how they can help. They may also be able to offer further assistance if you need help paying your bill.


Important information

Here’s a list of information you’ll need to hand to close your account:

  • Your customer reference number
  • A forwarding address for your final bill
  • A meter reading (if your home has a meter)


Leaving the South West

Your details

The home you are moving out of

New occupier details.

If you know who is moving in to your property then let us know their details below.


How would you like us to obtain your meter reading?

We will calculate your closing read based on previous meter readings at the property.

If you need help to read your meter, see if a friend or relative can help. 

If you are unable to read the meter we can arrange for someone to come out but it can take up to 20 working days for this reading to be taken.

Your final bill and payment

How would you like to pay?

Please provide us with the following details so we may set up your direct debit with your bank.

Your instalment plan is calculated based on the average usage for the number of occupants you have told us will be in the property.

How often would you like the direct debit to be collected?
On which date of the month would you like us to collect the Direct Debit?

Payment slips: With a payment slip you can pay at your bank or building society, by post or free of charge at a Post Office or Paypoint outlet.

Once your move is completed we will send you the slips you have requested.

Standing order instruction: Once your move is completed  we will send you the appropriate paperwork to complete your standing order set-up.

You will need to return this to your bank or building society before the first payment is due.

Form submission

Thank you for taking the time to tell us about moving out of your home, if you are happy with the details entered please click submit below. 

Next steps: 

- We will now update our records, which can take up to 10 working days.

- We will be in touch if we need any further details or if we need to arrange for a meter reading. 

Thanks again,

South West Water