Blog - South West Water (About us)

Behind the Barriers: Bude gets an upgrade!

Bude, with its sweeping beaches, meta-stone cliffs and seemingly endless, green countryside is a beautiful place to live and visit. It is currently home to just over 10,500 people, but when summer hits, the town becomes a very popular tourist destination, and its population increases dramatically. With this number set to get bigger...

Behind the Barriers: Our Dawlish Engineering Project

Strolling along the riverbank in Dawlish near the Town Council, with its sweeping lawns; merry steps of waterfalls; and palm leaves rustling in the breeze; you wouldn’t have thought that a few months ago it was the site of a massive operation to upgrade our sewer network.

Proposal and choices

We’ve published our Proposals and Choices 2020-25 for consultation and want to know what you think. The consultation deadline is April 30 2018.

Meet Wallace the wet wipe monster

We all need to be binners, not flushers.