Blog - South West Water (Saving water)

4 ways to reuse water

Top tips to help save water in your garden

Our leak detector, Matt, reveals the reality of his work

The South West presents a uniquely challenging environment for our water pipes and the people who look after them. More than 11,000 miles of pipework travels up and down hills, through flood plains, cities, isolated hamlets, moorland and farms, bringing freshly treated water to your taps. The landscape, its geology and its...

Meet our water-saving champion, Nick!

Back in 2020, our Stakeholder Engagement Manager, Nick, got a very big shock. Learning that the average person in the South West uses 150 litres of water every day, Nick was more than confident that his household of two would be using a lot less. “We thought we were a pretty average household, and pretty careful with our water...