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Meet our #KeyWorker Gavin Harris, Electrical craftsperson ⚡

14th December 2020


"No one ever thinks of electricians working for a water company, but all our water treatment works, pumping stations and reservoirs use power. If there isn’t any power, there isn’t any water!

I’ve worked for South West Water for just over two years now, and I’m in a team of five that looks after all the drinking water sites in Mid and East Devon. We look after everything from pumps and motors to generators and lights.

My wife is a healthcare professional and we were both classed as key workers during the lockdown. I served in the military before this so I’m used to working in unusual situations, but it was still a bit of a juggling act trying to balance our working hours with childcare, home schooling and what became normal life during lockdown.

We often taken it for granted but whatever happens, people need water. I’m really proud of the role we’ve all played in keeping our customers supplied during this time."

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