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5 ways to have fun and keep cool while wasting less water

22nd July 2022

5 ways to have fun and keep
cool while wasting less water

As the temperature soars, water is the natural way to cool down. But it’s important we don’t waste this precious resource. We’ve got some tips and tricks to help you have fun and keep cool this summer, while making sure your water usage doesn’t rocket.

1. Invest in a paddling pool cover 
A splash in the paddling pool can be the perfect way to cool off, but it does use a lot of water. Re-filling your pool every day for a week adds up to around 3,700 litres – the same as 46 baths! Investing in a pool cover can help keep grass and insects out, so you can use the water for a few days. And  remember – when you’re finished, use the contents of your paddling pool to give your plants a good water or clean the car.

2. Use re-usable water bombs 
Planning a water fight? Swap water bomb balloons for reusable versions made from sponge, wool or cotton which you dampen then launch. Not only do they use less water, you won’t be left with scraps of burst balloons all over your garden, which can be dangerous to wildlife.

3. Look for opportunities to reuse water
If the kids (or kids at heart) are desperate for a blast of their super soaker, don’t fill it from the tap. Reuse bath water or let them fill it from your water butt and spray the plants. You can even pop a bucket in the shower to collect any excess for some garden fun!


4. Downsize your pool
If you have a massive paddling pool it can be tempting to fill it to the brim, but it’s possible to have just as much fun with a fraction of the water. A washing up bowl is perfect for little ones to play in. You can even pop the bowl inside an empty paddling pool, so any splashes are caught and can be reused. Bonus!

5. Visit nature’s paddling pools
With so many beautiful rivers and beaches on our doorstep, we’re spoilt for choice when it comes to having fun in the water. Swim, splash, paddle, or why not try out a new watersport?


What are your favourite ways to keep cool without wasting water? Let us know on Facebook

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  For more water-saving tips, please click here!