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Meet Nancy!

18th February 2022

Nancy joined the company back in September on our Operational Management Graduate Scheme. I caught up with Nancy to learn more about what she’s been up to. 

Hi Nancy, can you tell us a bit about what your role is?

“Well, I work within the Community Outreach Team, and Neighbourhood Fund is part of that, if you see what I mean? We have other initiatives and Awesome Water events coming up too. But as for Neighbourhood Fund, we’ve really seen a change in how we manage this since I joined. It’s actually really exciting to see the difference.

“So, before, it was more like, we sort through the applications and reward money and that was it. Now, we’re actually spending time getting to know the people, building relationships, and following up on different connections we make through doing that. For me, I think the most important thing is listening to people, valuing their stories, having that human touch, you know what I mean? Finding out where we can join them at future events, how else we can support them. It’s all about doing the right thing.



“I mean, why wouldn’t you want to make those relationships? Why wouldn’t you want to connect? It’s so much more impactful, and I’m so proud of how far the company has come to understanding that, and actually doing something about it.

“I sound so official!”

What do you love about your job?

“I’m a people person, so I like the people side. But I think the best thing is the power you have to really make a difference to someone’s life. Not only the money, but getting stuck in with hands-on helping. Volunteering, delivering food parcels with the Foodbank, or spreading mulch like we did the other day.

“Actually, going to meet people has led us to do some really amazing things. For instance, there was…we visited Dartmouth Community Chest and that led us to the TQ6 Partnership…Dawn, the lady from Dartmouth Community Chest is also part of the TQ6. I mean, Dawn is…oh my gosh, Catherine, I don’t think I could be as selfless as Dawn, she’s literally committing her entire life to looking after people – anyone, anytime – it’s incredible. Anyway, we went and visited them and found out that they held money-advice events and so we got some of our Affordability Team down there, and those guys…Sam, Christie and Alice…they went and they were changing people’s lives there and then. I mean, literally, their lives turned round. Tarriffs, energy advice, leakage, meters you know. I think it was Sam who came away and said that it was his most rewarding day at work in 15 years. It’s that, you know, it’s just so powerful.

What’s a project that has stayed with you?

“I know I go on about it, but the llamas. Visiting CHAT and talking to the lady there about the young offenders, families where the parents have cancer, children who have experienced trauma, all opening up and being able to voice their problems. Oh, I remember a really…oh my gosh, Catherine, there’s this llama called Ben, and there was this little girl who had been non-verbal all her life, and after two visits to Ben she talked. It was the first time that the parents’ heard her voice. At that, Catherine. That. I cried.”


Have you got any funny stories?

“Hmm, funny stories. What hasn’t happened to me, quite honestly, Catherine? No, really, some crazy things happen to me. I mean, I had to evacuate out of a train window in the pouring rain on my way to one project! I mean, who else does that? See what I mean?

“Then there was…I went to the Exeter Lipreaders, and it turns out I have a name that is tricky to lipread. Nancy – you just don’t move your mouth enough. I was trying really hard to speak slowly and clearly, but there was one poor lady who was like “I’m sorry, love, but I’m never going to catch your name”. 

“I’ve got other stories, like getting caught in a snow machine and looking like I was covered in snow in late-October. Oh, then there was a serious interview I had with the lady from CHAT but the llamas were misbehaving in the background…if you get my drift…Catherine, I was dying. You know when you can’t keep a straight face and you really need a giggle? My insides were aching! Honestly, it was the funniest thing.”


As part of the Graduate Programme, you’ll be rotating to your next placement soon. What are you going to miss about this job?

“Definitely the lovely people and building those relationships. I mean, I’ve got about 50 pen pals, Catherine. It’s fab!

“The job is humbling. Like really humbling. You see things and meet people outside your normal walk of life, and my eyes have been opened so much to our communities and just what people go through. It’s definitely been a privilege check, you know? I’m so aware of it. It’s not been all happy smiley, and Si, my manager, always says, you know when I’m a bit down or something, “take a walk in someone else’s shoes” and that’s so true. That’s what this job is about. And I’m going to miss that.  

For further information please contact:

To find out more about our Graduate Scheme, please click here.

To find out more about our Neighbourhood Fund and how you can apply, please visit this page.