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Welcome to 2022’s Water Saving Week!

23rd May 2022

Welcome to 2022’s Water Saving Week!

Water Saving Week is an annual event to raise awareness of the issues and challenges around water and its use. It’s the brainchild of Waterwise UK.

Waterwise UK is an independent organisation which shares ideas, promotes efficient products and services, and champions initiatives which will help save water, reduce costs, protect resources, and manage the impact of climate change. We’re proud to say that South West Water is officially supporting Waterwise UK.

This year’s Water Saving Week is May 23-27. Each day focusses on a particular aspect of our water:


Monday May 23:

Water and energy

Tuesday May 24

Water and social justice

A lot of energy is used in our homes for heating water, for washing clothes and dishes, and our baths and showers. It takes huge amounts of water to convert fossil fuels to electricity.

Many of our businesses, and even some of our homes, are already making better use of renewables such as wind and solar, which use negligible amounts of water to turn raw energy into usable electricity.

For our part, we’re also addressing our own operational emissions. The entire UK water industry accounts for 1% of the UK’s total energy use.

Access to clean water has a direct impact on poverty, health, and wellbeing globally. Yet the world’s developing industry and agriculture has threatened supplies, and contributed to climate change, which now affects many of the resources which communities worldwide rely on.

According to the United Nations, by 2025, 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity, and 66% of the world’s population could be under stress conditions.

Here in the UK, we enjoy virtually unlimited access to fresh water, and though it may seem as though we are far removed from the struggles of those without it, we can all make small changes which will protect our water for the future.

Top Tip:  Cut down the amount of water you use, and reduce those long, hot shower times.

Top tip: Using less water can help us protect supplies for the future. Water saving devices such as cistern bags, regulated shower heads and tap aerators can help you save litres a week.


Wednesday May 25:

Water and food security

Thursday May 26:

Water and health

Every day each person on Earth drinks between half a gallon and one gallon of water. However, we actually consume between 500 and 1,250 gallons of water, because it’s used to produce our food.

Water affects food production in many ways, and good management of water resources means we can enjoy cereals, fruits and vegetables, all year round. But rising populations, and urbanisation drive up demand for water, not just for growing food, but for household and industry use too. This pressure can lead to competition for limited resources, and even conflict in regions where water is scarce.

We all know water is essential for health, and medical evidence has shown we need to drink plenty of it to stay fit and healthy, boost energy and keep our digestive systems on track.

We get about 20% of our daily water intake from food. The rest is dependent on drinking water and water-based beverages. According to the NHS, we should be drinking between six and eight glasses a day. We’re continuing to work across the region to develop the ways in which we manage our drinking water and our wastewater systems to ensure you can enjoy that water, straight from the tap.

Swimming, surfing, fishing, paddling, or just walking on the beach or sitting beside one of our beautiful lakes will restore your spirits as well as helping to keep you fit and well.

Top tip: Make small changes, such as reducing the amount of processed food in your diet and shopping local where possible can reduce the amount of water needed to produce and transport food.

Top Tip: To help you drink plenty of water fill up a jug at the start of the day and leave it cooling in the fridge. This also means you won’t have to run the tap until cold each time you want a drink.


Friday May 27:

Water and the natural environment.

The natural environment all around us provides us with food, water, and air, and is home to a vast biodiversity of animals, birds, and plants. But these ecosystems are threatened by pollution and the impact of increased populations, industries and human activity.

Recycling, reusing, and repurposing items instead of discarding them, disposing of rubbish responsibly, and reducing our use of plastics, are all really important in tackling the threats to our environment.

At South West Water we’re continuing our to reclaim valuable peatlands and replant trees, as well as investing in ways to restore all the natural habitats our birds, insects and wildlife need to survive and thrive.

Top Tip: Help your garden thrive while saving water – a water butt can store around 200 litres, and rainwater is better for your plants.


Have a look at all the areas we’re working in and make a small choice each day during Water Saving Week to save water, support Waterwise UK, and help us make a difference.

For further information please contact:

Have a look at all the areas we’re working in (link to dashboard) and make a small choice each day during Water Saving Week to save water, support Waterwise UK, and help us make a difference.