2018 News

Mousehole sewage network improvements – public meeting

Residents are invited to take part in a public meeting this week to find out and ask questions about the planned improvements to the Mousehole sewer network. The meeting will be held at The Solomon Browne Hall between 11am – 2pm on Thursday 13 December 2018.


Wrap up your pipes to avoid problems this winter

Wrapping up your pipes now could save money in the long-term and prevent an unwelcome surprise this winter, advises South West Water.


South West Water supports World Toilet Day

620 million children globally do not have access to a decent toilet at school, harming their education, health and life chances, according to a new WaterAid report.


BEACHWISE: Cornwall’s bathing waters score a 100% pass rate against tougher new standards for the third consecutive year

For the third year running, all of Cornwall’s beaches have passed tough bathing water quality standards, according to figures published by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs today.


Newquay update - 22 October 2018

The burst sewer on the cliff top near Esplanade Road in Newquay has been repaired


Newquay update - 19 October 2018

Work is progressing well to repair the burst sewer on the cliff top near Esplanade Road in Newquay.


“It’s not cool to flush a penguin!”

New film launched to support Love Your Loo campaign


£2million sewer upgrade to benefit Dawlish

South West Water is launching the first phase of a £2million scheme to improve the sewer network in Dawlish this month (October).


South West Water champions ReFill revolution to reduce litter from single-use plastic bottles

South West Water is behind a national campaign by water companies to make tap water more freely available, helping to reduce litter from single-use plastic bottles and keeping people healthy and hydrated when out and about.


Customers share water-saving advice

Hundreds of South West Water customers have put pen to paper and fingers to keyboard to share their top water-saving tips.


Tiny mite could prove a ‘mighty’ weapon in the fight against one of the UK’s most invasive weeds

Scientists are stepping up the fight against one of the UK’s most invasive non-native aquatic weeds and an old garden favourite.


South West Water pledges lower bills, extra investment & shares for customers in radical ‘New Deal’

- Bills to be lower by 2025 than in 2010- £1billion+ to improve services and protect the environment - £20million stake for customers, plus enhanced scheme to share success
